Foto: Pixabay

The Technical Director of the Sertões International Rally, Eduardo Sachs, comments today’s route (6th stage )

Arquivo/ Offroad, Sertoes

6th stage 07/30
Natividade (TO) to Palmas (TO)
IL: 27 km TS: 355km FL: 43 km
Total: 424 km

After completing half of the route of the 2013 edition, during the sixth stage the racers will have a very quick special, with some winding stretches, but nice to accelerate on, with a less irregular ground in comparison to the previous days.

“On this stage the racers of all five categories are still on the marathon regime, however, we will have the quickest special of the Sertões. The highest speeds will be reached today. The Special will have wonderful scenery and the racers, at the end of the route, will be able to receive mechanical support and complete maintenance on the vehicles.”

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure

Last modified: julho 30, 2013
