
The Technical Director of the Sertões International Rally, Eduardo Sachs, comments today’s route (3rd stage )

3rd stage 07/27
Pirenópolis (GO) to Uruaçu (GO)
IL: 37km TS: 287 km FL: 89 km
Total: 414 km

The route begins with mountains, enters into a zone of sugar cane plantations, where it will be possible to reach high speed, afterwards it goes back to mountain ranges with narrow tracks and a lot of navigation, also crossing places with barely visible references, closed forests and fallen eucalyptus near some of the tracks, that require doubled attention.

“The Sertões International Rally really begins on this stage. The route begins with stretches inside farms, with high speed and winding routes. Furthermore, there will be trial, gravel, river crossings and some radar zones. This day shows what the competition is going to be like until the end, demanding much technique and navigation.”

Este texto foi escrito por: Redação Webventure