
Technical Director of the Sertoes International Rally comments on today’s route

Initial liaison: 15 km
Special: 86 km
Final liaison: 170 km
Total: 271 km

It is the day with the shortest Special of the whole race, but, not less tough. The initial liaison is on good asphalt and the Special starts with lots of curves, with lots of holes and “deps” (depressions). If it rains, it will be the only day there will be mud in the rally (lots of mud!). The timed part starts near the city of Sobral (CE), where there are a lot of towns, radar zones, highway crossings and a path through an enormous maize plantation, with delicate navigation. The ground is also complete: there is sand, fine loose gravel, stones, a lot of holes and deps, with a lovely straight at the end imagine a driver being able to accelerate these last 10 kilometers, knowing that what he could do he already did. It must be lovely, a champion’s sensation and also for all those that completed the rally.

The Special ends near a small town named Amontada (CE). The liaison, of 170 kilometers, is done by asphalt until Cumbuco beach, in Fortaleza (CE). There is a final stretch of liaisons through the dunes the drivers will have been 10 days in the sertão when they arrive here and suddenly, they go over the dunes and face the ocean. Then they just have to go over those dunes, enter the beach and carry on 10 kilometers already celebrating the party in Cumbuco.

Este texto foi escrito por: Webventure